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Healing & Growth with Christ in Safe Relationships

We are a community of people in the San Jose area whose lives have been profoundly changed by God and his son Jesus Christ. We believe growth with God is an ongoing process of seeking and requires support and love from others in the body of Christ. We are a community that cares about others and we are committed to helping wherever we can.

This is why instead of doing church once a week in a big meeting we do it in HOMES!  We have these home fellowships all over the Bay Area which have 15-20 members attending each one.  In the book of Acts, they didn’t do church as a big meeting.  Church was in people’s homes, BUT we have the incredible advantage of technology.  We stream and/or record services (or teaching series) for people to gather in homes to worship and learn the word.  We believe the bible is the word of God.  We don’t believe that we have all the answers to understanding the bible, but we are endeavoring to grow and learn more.  So we believe this a powerful, inviting, and much better way to do church!

Why’s Doing Church In Homes Better?

They’re casual and fun!  Since our inception people have been drawn to and LOVED our home fellowships.  Fellowships are so much fun!  They’re casual and a waaaaay better place for people to connect and make friends.  Each fellowship has a fun component.

They’re better for growth:  Because they’re smaller it allows people to connect more and help each other to grow in stretching, applying the word, growing and giving.  Every person makes a difference and contributes.  It’s a much better place for each person to see their calling and ministry and how they can make a impact.  And allows us to do more for the needy.

They happen at all different days of the week and all different locations so more lives are changed radically!  Why not have it be easier and more accessible to more people by having more options?

Our Fellowship Group Locations and Events

Searchlight members host home fellowships across many areas of California surrounding San Jose, San Francisco, Vallejo and more!  To get more information or if you feel a calling to host a fellowship, please visit our Fellowship Tab.

Searchlight Fellowship has super fun big days about once a month to gather as a larger group in order to celebrate and share vision together.  It’s always a sweet time, where we get to see and hang out with the whole Searchlight family.  Mostly we meet at the Sherman Oaks Elementary School for those bigger gatherings, but stay up to date by checking out our calendar of events here.

We Are Accepting and Welcoming

We are a community of seekers. We believe that none of us as mere human beings hold the truth, but that truth does exist. We value the pursuit of truth. We believe this requires humility and openness.

We recognize growth is a journey. We empower and encourage people to take ownership in their freedom to choose what they believe. We respect other faiths and views and find value and goodness in views other than our own. We welcome all wherever they may be in their spiritual journey.

We are passionate about seeking personal and spiritual growth. We believe that cannot be accomplished without others. God’s provided the Body of Christ to support growth. We believe all people have struggles, have been hurt and need healing. The bible talks about this being our sin nature. In order to overcome these hurts it’s important to have an environment of grace where people can talk about things without fear of condemnation and judgment. We recognize growth is a journey. There is no perfection.